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Sponsorship Opportunities That Reflect Your Mission

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senior living think tank aging services

With a limited number of sponsorship opportunities at the Think Tank, your visibility and reach won’t compete in a sea of other brands and logos. Each sponsorship package represents a unique and specific intent by the sponsoring organization.

Sponsoring the Think Tank event lets others in the industry know that you support the "little" efforts and grass root movements that people WANT to belong to.  If 9 out 10 of your sponsorship dollars go to big industry events, make this 1 of out 10 investment go toward something out of the box.

Brand Visibility For Sponsoring Grass Root Gatherings

Let's face it, most of us already know all the same people in the industry.  Novel and diverse networks come from gatherings you can't see yourself.  Secondary and tertiary connections lead to new connections, unique partnerships, and "blind spot" opportunities.

Find the "Hidden" Partnerships That Come From Diverse Networks

Sponsors have the unique opportunity to directly contribute to the development and dissemination of key resources such as white papers and other tangible works. By supporting the creation of these materials, sponsors can help shape relevant conversations that are happening "off stage" from traditional conferences.

Directly Support the Creation of New Resources 

Some specific sponsorship packages directly contribute to paying for front level team members, leaders in non-profit sectors, local seniors (who live near the Think Tank event), and other stakeholders who are not typically in senior living conferences.  Pretty awesome, right?

Support Diversity of Thought and Opportunities

Why Should You Be a Think Tank Sponsor?

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